James Clerk Maxwell was  hailed as the No 1 Scientist in a National Library of Scotland poll, and the 4th most important topic in Scotland’s History by a BBC poll.

Scottish Parliament Debate on
James Clerk Maxwell
Read Official Report


Maxwell Year 2006 was  run under the auspices of an informal consortium of civic, university, learned society and educational bodies who planned a series of events during the year to bring Clerk Maxwell's little known achievements before young people and a wider general public.

Members of the consortium included:

The City of Edinburgh
The Edinburgh Academy
The University of Edinburgh
Heriot-Watt University
Institute of Physics
The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation
National Museums of Scotland
The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Note added in 2021:

The maxwellyear2006 subdomain of our clerkmaxwellfoundation.org website is preserved and presented as a record of the 2006 celebrations. It does not use cookies and does not store any information about people viewing it.